Your Support Makes It Possible
God has provided the water and brought thousands of people to our doorstep. But water is only the first need this community requires. With your generosity, African Transformation Leadership can build a community of healing and discipleship that will heal the sick, open hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and train pastors to preach, disciple, and plant churches throughout Africa.
Help us build Bethesda
With your financial support, African Transformational Leadership will build a self-sustaining Bible school, health clinic, and community garden at the site of our well, providing life-saving care to more than 500 families in Nakuru County, Kenya, and training pastors to plant churches and preach the Gospel throughout the region.
Will you help us bring hope and healing to Africa?
In rural Nakuru County, Kenya, hundreds of families walk as much as 25 miles per day in search of water. And they thirst for more than water, turning to witch doctors to heal their physical needs, and untrained ministers to heal their spiritual needs.
But then God provided a miracle. In 2022, African Transformational Leadership tapped a well in this remote area and discovered that the water was clean and abundant enough to support a community. With your generosity, African Transformational Leadership will turn this well in the wilderness into an oasis of hope and healing with the Bethesda Bible School and Clinic.
In the Bible, people bathed in the pool of Bethesda to heal their illnesses and restore their souls. At Bethesda Bible School and Clinic, African Transformational Leadership has a bold vision to heal the mind, body, and soul.
“We’ve been praying to God for water.”
Bethesda Bible School and Clinic
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
LUKE 10:2