2022 Ministry Report
Dear Friends and Partners,
First of all, may I thank each one of you for your unwavering commitment that you have to this ministry. I owe you a lot of thanks.
We are pleased to let you know that 2022 was the most fruitful and productive year in the history of our ministry (ATL). The year started at a high note with the ambition of drilling a well in Nakuru County (Kenya).
In February, we contracted Fountain Vent Limited Company to do a survey to determine the availability of water and the depth of water at our property and thereafter to drill a well. The company determined that water was available at a depth of 160 meters (about 480 feet). They therefore started drilling the well and water came out.
There after the company did the test pumping - exercise conducted to establishing the actual aquifer performance and sustainability of the well. The exercise determined that the well has a capacity of discharging 18 cubic meters of water per hour. This is equivalent of about 4,800 Gallons or 18,000 Liters of water per hour.
We took some sample of the water to the government chemist for analysis and it was determined that the water was clean and fit for human consumption.
During the trip in October, I oversaw the completion of the water tower, the installation of three water tanks (each with a capacity of 10,000 liters), installation of electricity, plumbing and the installation water pump.
In the future, we hope to install a solar panel when we determine the safety of the area. We have built a stone fence around the well and put a gate for security reasons.
Installation of Water Pump and Plumbing Lines
We are pleased to share with you that the water project is complete and water is available to the community! This project cost about $18,765.
The completion of the well project draws us closer to the realizing our dream of Bethesda Health Clinic and Bible College. The completion of the well and water tower has been a huge blessing to the people living in the surrounding areas who, prior to completion of this project, traveled great distances to get water.
Leadership Training at Njoro
Our trip in June of 2022 to train trainers where we trained about 50 leaders to be trainers. We have received good reports that they are doing an amazing work of training others in their local churches.
Trainer of Trainers at Njoro
Charles and I were also able to visit the leaders we had trained in Kajiado in February.
Alice and I made another trip in June to Kenya and we had a leadership training in Masailand at Kumpa.
Leadership Training at Kumpa
In October, I made a trip to Kenya that was paid for by SIM to help them train their leaders. I was able to take advantage of being in Kenya to work for ATL in Kumpa.
Training Materials
We have also printed 1,000 of Swahili New Edition training books.
Our Teachers – God has given ATL amazing men and women who volunteer their time to train. Below, From Left: Mrs. Salome Tibi, Mrs. Josephine Njuguna, Robert, Alice, Charles, Kande, Kenda, Bishop Kimani.
Gifts of Impact
This year, we need $97,000 to train 350 pastors.
$250 One pastor will be trained for cultural transformation
$1,250 Five pastors will be trained for cultural transformation
$2,500 Ten pastors will be trained for cultural transformation
This year we need $8,500 for Bibles in African Native languages.
$17 One Bible
$170 Ten Bibles
$1,700 Hundred Bibles